
You will likely have been given a bandage called Saniderm…

This bandage is a clear film with an adhesive on one side. It will act like a fake scab and keep your tattoo protected for the next 4-5 days. This is what hospitals use for burn victims and to secure IVs.

You may notice some fluid build up under your bandage. This fluid is a mix of blood, ink and plasma. If you notice it really start to build up and form a bubble underneath your bandage you may want to consider taking it off and continuing with the care instructions below. If you don’t see any fluid or there’s a thin gloss please leave it on for the full 4-5 days.

There is a very small possibility that the bandage could irritate your skin. If this happens you will notice your skin turn red around the edges. It will not be underneath the bandage, just around it. If you see this, do not panic. It’s not dangerous and will not harm your tattoo. Just take it off and continue with the aftercare as normal.

If you opt out of this bandage please refer to the second half of these instructions.

If you are given a second layer of Saniderm…

This part of the instructions are only reserved for those handed a second layer of Saniderm after the appointment. If you were not instructed on this matter, please refer to the second half of the aftercare instructions.

The day after your appointment, remove the initial layer of Saniderm. This can be uncomfortable since the bandage is sticky. It’s helpful to take it off in the shower. This will loosen up the adhesive and make it easier to remove your bandage.

Wash it with warm water and mild soap (information about soaps can be found below).

Pat the tattoo dry with a paper towel. Do not use a regular towel.

Do not put on lotion or anything else, and put on the new layer of Saniderm and leave that on for the next 4-5 days.

The second half of the instructions…

Once you take the bandage off wash it with warm water and mild soap. Mild soap means no bar soap and no body wash. Preferably a hand pump soap, something that sits by the sink. If you have sensitive skin or you’re allergic to fragrances get something that’s unscented. Some clients go as far as buying baby soap. Otherwise you’re good to use what you have.

Pat your tattoo dry with a paper towel for the first couple of days after the bandage is removed. Never use a cloth towel. Cloth towels have bacteria in them and there’s nothing you can do to get it out.

Once your tattoo is dry apply a thin layer of lotion to your tattoo. Aquaphor, Lubriderm or Aveeno are recommended. As long as the lotion is unscented and water-based it can be used for aftercare. Make sure the lotion comes from a pump or squeeze bottle. Do not buy a jar of lotion. Jars of lotion can become contaminated very easily.

Apply the lotion 2-3 times a day everyday until your tattoo is completely healed.

What to expect during the healing process…

Your tattoo will feel like a bruise the next 2-4 days. If it hurts past that please let your artist know.

In about a week you will notice that your tattoo is starting to flake. It may come off in large patches, especially if there’s any color involved in the tattoo. Do not pick or scratch at your tattoo. If you pull off the scabs prematurely you will risk pulling the ink out of your skin and damaging the tattoo.

Your tattoo will also get very itchy. Do not touch it!

In about two weeks your tattoo should be completely healed.

What not to do…

No bathtubs, hot tubs or swimming pools. You can take a shower but no soaking of your tattoo of any kind.

Do not workout for at least 3-4 days after getting your tattoo. Working out raises your blood pressure and can potentially push the ink out of your skin, or cause a blowout.

If you have any further questions please reach out to your artist individually.